শুক্রবার, ২৭ আগস্ট, ২০২১

Leela's Friend McQ Questions Answer

একাদশ শ্রেণী Class 11 xi eleven ইংরেজী English Leela's Friend mcq questions answer English Suggestions

 1. Which of the following task was not done by sidda ?

A. chopping wood

B. tending the garden

C. washing clothes 

D. cooking meals

Answer:- D. cooking meals

2. Mr Sivasanker frist saw sidda 

A. in the market place

B. at the doctor's bungalow

C. at the gate in front of his house

D. in the front veranda of his house

Answer:- C. at the gate in front of his house

3. Mr Sivasanker's frist impression of sidda was that 

A. he was evasive

B. he was untidy

C. he could be a criminal 

D. he did not seem a bad sort

Answer:- D. he did not seem a bad sort

4. Mr Sivasanker was standing

A. in the veranda

B. in his room

C. outside his house

D. in front of the garden

Answer:- A. in the veranda

5. Sidda reported that he had worked earlier in the house of a 

A. professor

B. minister

C. businessman

D. doctor

Answer:- D. doctor

6. Leela was aged

A. five years

B. four years

C. six years

D. seven years 

Answer:- A. five years

7. Leela keenly examined the ball for traces of

A. dust 

B. cloud

C. moon

D. stars

Answer:- D. stars

8. The colour of the ball Leela used to play with was 

A. white

B. black

C. grey

D. red

Answer:- D. red

9. Leela keenly examined to ball for_______ of the moon

A. traces

B. parts

C. bits

D. touch

Answer:- A. traces

10. Sidda known 

A. the deity

B. the moon

C. the policeman

D. the thieves

Answer:- B. the moon

11. Leela firmly believed that sidda 

A. knew good

B. knew the moon 

C. knew the stars 

D. knew the sun

Answer:- B. knew the moon

12. " I have asked it to follow us about " here " it " refers to 

A. ball

B. moon

C. the servant

D. good

Answer:- B. moon

13. Leela knew 

A. all the letters

B. none of the latters

C. 10 or 12 latters

D. 2 or 3 latters

Answer:- D. 2 or 3 latters

14. Sidda's stories dealt with 

A. animals

B. gods

C. magicians

D. all of them

Answer:- D. all of them

15. Sidda told Leela stories sitting

A. on a chair beside her bed

B. on the floor near her bed 

C. on her bed 

D. on a stool beside her bed

Answer:- B. on the floor near her bed

16. Leela's box was filled with 

A. catalogues , illustrated books and pencil butts

B. catalogues , pens and chalks 

C. illustrated books , cards and pins

D. Chocolates , erasers and pencils 

Answer:- A. catalogues , illustrated books and pencil butts

17. Leela's box was full of 

A. catalogues , illustrated books and stumps of pencils 

B. illustrated books , cards and pins 

C. Chocolates , erasers and pencils 

D. Catalogues , pens and chalks 

Answer:- A. catalogues , illustrated books and stumps of pencils

18. Leela's box had __________ had pencils 

A. bunch

B. parts 

C. stumps 

D. catalogues

Answer:- C. stumps

19. She mad him ____________on the floor

A. sit 

B. stand

C. run

D. squat

Answer:- D. squat

20. Sidda's wrist got 

A. soft 

B. stiff

C. strong

D. flexible 

Answer:- B. stiff

21. Leela could draw a kind of 

A. dog and cat 

B. crow and owl 

C. cat and crow 

D. cat and cow

Answer:- C. cat and crow

22. The word " stiff " means 

A. straight

B. strict

C. upright

D. hard

Answer:- D. hard

23. Mr Sivasanker came to the house

A. one hour later

B. half an hour later

C. two hours later

D. four hours later 

Answer:- A. one hour later

24. Leela wanted to hear from her mother the story of the 

A. tiger 

B. elephant

C. lion

D. goddess

Answer:- B. elephant

25. Leela's mother slapped her for 

A. not studying 

B. remaining with Sidda all the time

C. losing her gold chain

D. not obeying her 

Answer:- C. losing her gold chain

26. The synonym of " appeal " is 

A. request

B. conceal

C. negate

D. disown

Answer:- A. request

27. Leela made a noise of ___________

A. joy

B. sorrow 

C. ecstasy

D. deprecation 

Answer:- D. deprecation

28. " Leela made a noise of desprecation " here  " desprecation " means

A. aggrement 

B. disapproval 

C. indifference

D. praise 

Answer:- B. disapproval

29. " mother didn't answer the question " which question did leela's mother fail to answer 

A. can't you tell the story of elephant ?

B. why should he be made to sleep outside the house 

C. why are you so rough 

D. why should not Sidda sit on our chair ?

Answer:- D. why should not Sidda sit on our chair ?

30. The police inspector was angry with leela's father 

A. for indulging Leela too much

B. for not informing him of Sidda's appointment 

C. for slapping false charges on Sidda 

D. for not informing of the theft 

Answer:- B. for not informing him of Sidda's appointment

31. R . K . Narayan was 

A. an American writer writing in English 

B. an Indian writer writing in English

C. an African poet writing in English

D. a Latin American writer writing in Spanish

Answer:- B. an Indian writer writing in English

32. Leela's friend was 

A. Sidda 

B. Sikandar

C. Siddharth

D. Siddique

Answer:- A. Sidda

33. Leela lost her 

A. doll 

B. diamond necklace

C. ear ring

D. gold chain

Answer:- D. gold chain

34. Leela's mother found the gold chain in the 

A. turmeric pot 

B. red chilli pot 

C. black pepper pot 

D. tamarind pot 

Answer:- D. tamarind pot

35. " Leela's friend " is a story from 

A. The English Teacher 

B. Swami and Friends 

C. The Bachelor of Arts 

D. Malgudi Days 

Answer:- D. Malgudi Days

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